There's also the lack of the Originals mode, which was one of the most-marketed features in the new game. One of the most glaring omissions is the lack of Create-A-Championship, though the developers say it will be added at some point.

Looking beyond its ugliness, WWE 2K20 is lacking in content compared to previous entries. In-ring, players will notice that hair looks like plastic and the hair physics cause it to fly around wildly at every slight move a wrestler. All players have to do is take one look at the screen for the 2K Showcase mode and look at the dead eyes of the Four Horsewomen to see an example of this. Some of the wrestlers just don't look like themselves and some barely look human. Some of the character models in WWE 2K20 are so bad that some wrestlers may genuinely not recognize themselves in the game. There are some decent character models here and there, but many of the wrestlers just look off, with The Rock's character model being especially ugly. Visually, the game is uglier than most of its predecessors, and it is not an exaggeration to say that there are wrestling games that came out 10 years ago that look better than this. When playing WWE 2K20, it's hard not to feel like the game was thrown together at the last minute and rushed out the door, as almost everything about it seems like a step backwards. These glitches are far more frustrating and are a huge roadblock that will keep most everyone from having fun with this game. We also encountered issues like the game refusing to perform finishing maneuvers or moves necessary to complete objectives. Unfortunately, the game's technical issues extend far beyond disappearing objects and wrestlers crab walking. If the WWE 2K20 glitches were merely visual absurdities, they may be more forgivable. But while these glitches can be amusing, they are also a clear sign that WWE 2K20 is quite simply not a finished product. Some of the WWE 2K20 glitches are so outlandish that they end up being funny, whether it's the somewhat common glitch of everyone squatting to the ground and crab walking or objects sinking into the ring. It is rare to have a match go from bell to bell without experiencing at least one bizarre, immersion-shattering visual glitch. The most noticeable issues with WWE 2K20 are the well-documented bugs and glitches that plague every facet of the experience.

From top to bottom, the game is a disaster and one of the worst wrestling games ever made. Since sports games essentially reiterate on themselves every year, making small changes and usually improving the graphics, it's baffling just how bad WWE 2K20 is compared to last year's game, or most any wrestling game in general. It had a problem with excessive grinding for currency, an issue that plagues many sports games these days, but as we pointed out in our WWE 2K19 review, it was otherwise a solid experience. Last year's WWE 2K19 was definitely one of the better WWE games under the 2K banner.